Foto : Soompi

Korea SelatanMBC Drama Awards 2023 sukses dilaksanakan pada 30 Desember 2023. Acara penghargaan untuk drama-drama terpopuler di MBC ini menghasilkan Namgoong Min yang membawa pulang sembilan piala.

Keluarnya Namgoong Min sebagai pemenang Daesang membuat Namanya tercatat sebagai pemenang tiga kali Daesang MBC Drama Awards.

Lantas, selain Namgoong Min, siapa saja pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023? Yuk, scroll terus!

Daftar Pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023

mbc drama awards
Source: Allkpop

Daesang (Grand Prize): Namgoong Min (“My Dearest”)

Drama of the Year: “My Dearest”

Top Excellence Award (Miniseries): Woo Do Hwan (“Joseon Attorney”), Ahn Eun Jin (“My Dearest”), Lee Se Young (“The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract”)

Top Excellence Award (Short-Form or Daily Drama): Kim Yoo Seok (“Meant to Be”), Jang Seo Hee (“Game of Witches”)

Excellence Award (Miniseries): Bae In Hyuk (“The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract”), Park Gyu Young (“A Good Day to Be a Dog”)

Excellence Award (Short-Form or Daily Drama): Lee Hyeon Suk (“Game of Witches”), Jeon Hye Yeon (“Meant to Be”)

Best Character: Kim Jong Tae (“My Dearest”)

Best Couple: Namgoong Min and Ahn Eun Jin (“My Dearest”)

Best Supporting Actor: Choi Young Woo (“My Dearest”), Cha Chung Hwa (“Kokdu: Season of Deity”)

Best New Actor: Kim Moo Joon (“My Dearest”), Kim Yoon Woo (“My Dearest”), Park Jung Yeon (“My Dearest”), Joo Hyun Young (“The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract”)

Itulah daftar pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023. Ada nggak nih, drama atau pemeran favorit kamu?

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