Foto : Instagram/@gretarirn

Kenang sosok mendiang Laura

Foto : edlnlaura/instagram

Meski Laura tak mau merayakan ulang tahunnya, Greta tetap ingin merayakan hari bahagia itu untuk sang adik. Kejutan itu pun berlangsung dengan sukses, bahkan Greta teringat bahwa Laura mengucapkan terima kasih berkali-kali.

“Dan akhirnya surprisenya seru banget inget bgt kamu sampe ngomong makasih berkali kali trus katanya ini birthday terseru huhu If you had known I had planed so many things for your 22th birthday. Your Birthday brings back so many memories,” kata Greta.

“So today on this special day of yours, even though you are not here with us anymore I wish you all the happiness in heaven, I wish you know how much we all miss you lau, life feels so empty without you here. I know you’ve been looking after us now thank you our guardian angel. I miss you, hianyzol, ich vermisse dich, tu me manques, aku rindu kamu lau. Bahagia yaa disana. Kunjungin mimpi aku yaa lau, see you when I see you my love,” tandas Greta Irene di hari ulang tahun mendiang Laura Anna.

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