Foto : Instagram/willie.garson

IntipSeleb – Kabar duka kembali menyelimuti dunia hiburan televisi Hollywood. Willie Garson, aktor pemain Sex and The City telah meninggal pada Selasa (21/09/2021) di usia yang ke-57 Tahun. Tak diketahui penyebab pasti kepergiannya, namun adanya dugaan Willie Garson yang terserang penyakit kanker.

Kabar meninggalnya aktor dari series Standford Blatch tersebut, dikabarkan oleh anak angkat semata wayangnya, Nathen Garson. Ia membagikan kabar duka melalui Instagram pribadinya.

I love you so much papa. Rest in Peace and i’m so glad you got to share all your adventures with me and were able to accomplish so much. I’m so proud of you. I will always love you, but I think it’s time for you to go on an adventure of your own. You’ll always be with me," tulis Nathen Garson, Putra dari Willie Garson, dalam postingan Instagram @nathen_garson, dikutip IntipSeleb pada Kamis, 23 September 2021.

“Love you more than you will ever know and i’m glad you can be at peace now. You always were the toughest and funniest and smartest person I’ve known. I’m glad you shared you’re love with me. I’ll never forget it or lose it,” sambungnya.

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Memiliki Zodiak Pisces

Foto : instagram/nathen_garson
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